Saturday, April 30, 2011

you're a hoot

[one hundred, twenty![

Appropriate day to say a (belated) happy birthday to my good friend big D, who, I saved until today because, I am heading off to her place this afternoon to celebrate! I love celebrations, seriously, if anyone hates parties or gatherings of any kind I really can't fathom why, because it truly is the best experience ever. If you aren't surrounded by tons of people, and are smiling and laughing and all the other great things, then you truly don't have the life.

Well, you might, because some people don't like that, but either way smiling and being happy is the way tog o.

So I am preparing myself for the journey, preppin' the ipod, charging my phone, packing some comfy clothes and some going-out clothes, and on top of it all, I am just so excited to see my school friends again. It's only been a week and it's been too long! When you live with people intensively for eight months and then all of a sudden never talk, it's sort of like withdrawl, it's a hard adjustment.

On the note of celebrations, I think that what tops it all off would be that it all has a purpose, but the best kinds are without reason. Today, will be a birthday celebration, but it wil also just be a gathering of friends, people whom I miss a lot, and it is going to be a great day/night. I have this feeling that I am going to be celebrating birthdays for about four more months, and even then it's going to continue on, all twelve months of the year holds someone's birthday or another, and it just takes a little while to get through them all. I'm not complaining.

I think I just wanted to say how absolutely happy I am that life doesn't completely suck. My sister's going to the hospital, but she's going to be fine because we are tough, as nails, as concrete, we are as tough as the dust, bro, and we can get through this. She's a tanned little butt, but he's smiling and not worried. She reminds me of myself, which is a good thing. When she gets home, I'm going to be celebrating with her at some point, for no reason at all other than she is my sister.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and night, and morning, since I will not be writing for a little while, until tomorrow afternoon. I think that hot crossed buns are incredible.

that is all,

Jess :]

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