Thursday, April 28, 2011


[one hundred, eighteen]

If Will is a royal, and Kate is a commoner, and they have a child, it'll be a "half-blood prince".

yep, that just happened.

So I've been watching an OC marathon today in my jammies eating rye bread, also nipping in on the figure skating. My family's friends came in eighth in the world, which to me is pretty fantastic, although they were hoping for sixth... They're in Russia competing against world champions, I think they should be proud of themselves.

I don't have a lot to say other than I really hope that the internet imporves on my laptop from my room, as it is driving absolutely batty. I can't stand not just opening it up and there being an instant connection. I understand that everything in the world can't work all the time, but internet reaches EVERY SINGLE OTHER room in my house but mine, which is mental. I can't stand it. I want to throw everything everywhere. Just flail, with things in my arms, yeah.

What else, I have this thing about people that makes me want them to care a lot more than they do. I wish people didn't ask so many stupid questions, and would just understand what I mean the first time I say it. HUGE pet peeve of mine is to have someone ask every single little question, like do you really care? No? Then why in the name of pete do you ask? I don't care about the little details so I don't ask, plain and simple thing ya gotta know about me, I hate just, yeah. Frustrated.

I have decided against waking up at three in the morning to watch the festivites, as when I wake up at eight to check up on it there will actually have been something going on, as at three in the morning it will be eight am in England, also known as if it was my wedding day, I may be getting up early, but there would be no way in hell I'd be up before eight o'clock. So if you're mental, and waking up at three am to watch it, then you're going to be looking at absolutely shit all until about seven in the morning, when things will get rolling (ie guests, arrivals, maybe see the royal fam). I don't even know how televised the actual wedding will be, aren't weddings usually in the afternoon? Call me crazy, but this seems like a lot of hype for a wedding.


However it is our future ruling monarchs, which is exciting. I've always fantacized about being a Princess, and it dawned on me today that, as per my joke above, they will most likely be planning on passing on the crown, and therefore having children. Will Kate be a pregnant princess? And when this happens, how televised do ya think that'll be? If this is the wedding, wait till the birth day of their children! And then the coronations! It's just going to be a parade of media coverage form now on.

However, I am in love with anything in the Britain pop culture stream, so, naturally, I will be getting up early to sit in my royal princess robe with oj and my hair in a towel, to watch the wedding. I cry at weddings, on tv or otherwise, and I find this no exception.

Last but certainly not least, I would like to just mention that some fam issues have been happening recently with a certain Cuba-bound sister and eyesight, I'd just like to take a little moment to say that I love my siblings more than I can even manage in my mind functions and thoughts, I'd die for those two little bums, and I wish I could take all of their sorrows and pain and hurts away, but I can't. Every day this week my brother has come home and came to my room, fed the fish, and then given me a huge hug. I missed him. I miss my sissy, and when she gets home at two am Saturday morning, I am mauling her to the ground. I will defend them until my life's end. I love you, babies, you're my babies just as much as you're mom and dad's. I was there when you were both born, I was there to hold your little hands to walk. I was there to pick you up when you fell. I was there for your first days at school. I was there for everything, and I just want you guys to know that I'm not going anywhere, I will always, ALWAYS, protect you.

love always,

Jess :]

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