Monday, April 25, 2011

he's hunky, bro

[one hundred, fifteen[

I've been writing this for so long now, and I would just like to note that I am proud of myself for lasting this long. I do this everyday, sometimes I dread it, sometimes I look forward to it, and someitmes it sneaks up on me out of nowhere and I am happily surprised! As much as somedays I never know what to write and just type out my random thoughts, or if I need a long rant, or need to put down appreciation, I feel that every post has meant something to me in one way or another, and I love this blog, and am so happy that I started it.

If you are interested, I also have a tumblr, called , I'm not a hardcore tumblee so basically I decided to tell people about it. I post happy pictures and nice things, and thoughts that I have, and it's just like this but more current and daily and I reveal a lot more about my thoughts.

Some random honest truths that are relatively secrets right now:
I think I have a crush on two boys; I am getting a tattoo; grade eleven and twelve were the best years of highschool; people hurt my feelings a lot and I say nothing; I am insecure and shy; I am obsessed with British culture, pop culture, history, royals, and everything else; I pray but in a different belief system than normal; I love dancing; I hate when people judge anybody ever; there is a difference between having an oppinion and pushing it on people; people need to talk more about everything, just talk it out; hug it out; love it out.

I thought that was somewhat necessary, I felt like it's been stuck in my head. If you want to look at the song that continuously conquers my mind: western girls - g rain. It's really offensive so look at that on your own time.


Jess :]

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