Wednesday, April 27, 2011

anything you ask me to

[one hundred, seventeen[

If I didn't have the support system that I have, I would probably crumble to the ground, seriously. I don't think I'm going to get to that intensive writing this week, probably next week. I've got this new system, whenever I'm hungry between meals I just work out. I think it's a solid solution, since I don't need to eat more than I need to right? I'm makin' changes, yo! We built my desk today, it's adorable and green and fantastic!

I am now on from this day forward no longer focusing and being picky or selfish or taking for granted the little things in life. I'm workin' on it, for reasons, that I know will result in happiness eventually. CHILL OUT.

"Leep calm, it's only a wedding" --the royal wedding craziness is making me more and more excited to head over to England, and I miss Princess Di, and I love weddings, so naturally I'm attracted to the hype. I just want to watch it happen, I always cry in movies or show or in real life when people are married or a baby is born, it's a weird odd habit that is hard to prevent!

If I have said it once I say it a million times, check out my tumblr: ; because it is my other blog and is just as important if not more stream of conscious thought-like than this one. I had a revalation on it the other day:


A blog will always be there, it's dependable, if I need to talk, it'll listen. If I need to just read over and hear just what I need, I look into its depths. If I need comfort or just need to vent. If I need a pick-me-up, or just some lovin'. The blog's going no where.

so, naturally, I love you,

Jess :]

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