Friday, August 19, 2011

I lied, there's more

[two hundred, twenty]

I was buying groceries the other day, and I realised how laid back it is. You think to yourself prior to the trip what you would like to eat, what you need, the basics, the things that you're out of, etc. but you never really take into account the amount unless you are providing for a family. I am feeding little old me and that's it, so I was thinking about portions. I eat a moderate amount, and therefore don't feel bad only buying a few things for a week's worth of food. But to be quite clear, I enjoy the shopping part, as to determine that.

I've never been good with numbers. I am terrible, actually. I am alright with multiplication and adding/subtracting in small equal numbers, no decimals, but I am no expert when it comes to trying to get everything evened up. Percents, even tax, I suck at it. So when I look in the grocery store, and make a schedule, a plan, in my head, about what to eat and which day, and that I plan to eat how much etc. etc. I find it rivetting that a person can consume more in the afternoon-time of the day, as opposed to breaky-poo (as is my case).

Maybe it is just a continuation of my study of nature of people, the way they speak live and are, etc. I love to know the little things, little habits, behaviours, that determine a life. I want to dig deep into personality, to really uncover the truth and questions of everything that is a person. I want to know.

So if it is groceries that I am studying, the manner of physical shopping itself, purchasing, organising and putting away, or the actual act of eating, I am fascinated that people are different, that not everyone does any of things in the same way as me or you or anyone else. I love this fact, that people are unique in their ways, set in their habits, and love the way they act upon them.

Weird thoughts of the day.

Jess :]

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