Friday, August 26, 2011

and i just can't get enough

[two hundred, thirty-five]

I love the eighties, everything about them. I'm in a music kick of Blondie and the Cars and all of that good stuff, the synth and the disco beats and the grooves, the riff's that end in a twangy reprise, I feel so much more connected to that music than anything that is on the charts right now, it was so much easier to dance to, and remember the lyrics.

I love the style. That sounds so stupid since I look through my mom's closet from then when she was in college and she had high waisted everything, shoulder pads, big glasses, leg warmers, converse, but if you've met me, most of these things are a staple in my wordrobe *give or take the shoulder pads). I've also been considering a perm, getting one, finding people who have them, just because it was so freakin' NEAT. I love that, just bein in a set style.

Obviously now in the milennia (what do I call this time, the two thousands?) there is a specific style of clothings, hair, makeup even, shoes, etc. But it isn't as identifiable right now. The low rise skinny jeans, flats or ugg boots, low cut, straight almost mullet-type hair, everything will be identifiable eventually, but since it is just "in" right now it is hard to even care about it.

Which brings me to my weirdest (or one of them) facts about me: I focus a whole helluva lot on style through the decades. Starting in say post ww1, there is different dance, clothing, music, domestic, political, racial, everything is so different, and even from then until now, there is different ways of doing things. I focus on these, I think this is from being in theatre and doing separate time pieces. Having to put on three plays in one evening. One contemporary set, one set in the eighties, and one set in the fictional fifties, and putting differnt things on the tv sets, and having proportional music to the size and domesticality of the set, having costumes apporpriate for not only the year and style, but the age and gender in those days. it is a focus that is important in something like that, that's probably why I love theatre theory so much, and working with characters as opposed to script.

I am le nerd extrordinaire, mon amis.

So you may ask why I'm bringing it all up now, and that is because I have recently bought some new things for my wardrobe, and I find it really silly that I had to buy skinny jeans, low rise, when I love the mid to high rise a lot better, but it is all for aesthetic's sake. I wish things were different in a social context, that people never felt fat or not good enough for sociaety's standards, so that no one had to be self conscious about walking out their front door. I wish that people were more accepting of everyone than neglecting.


What, you thought the nerdiness was over?

Pkay then, love,

Jess :]

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