Tuesday, August 30, 2011

care bear countdown five

[two hundred, thirty-seven]

The fact of the matter of life is is that it is a mystery, it can't be defined, it isn't something that people search for like the holy grail, it is efemeral, it is living, and people search for happiness. Despite what everyone thinks, the human core is based around a selfish value, a journey for self discovery, Why is everyone so obsessed? Is that the right word, obsession?

If that is true, then the journey for self discovery is the most self-obsessed, selfish, independently contradicting idea in the world. People want to be charitable, and selfless, but that journey sort of completely contradicts the fact that those same peopole, and many people who don't have that mindset, believe that the world is about happiness and self discovery. You can't be self-directed and discovering if you want to be selfless, it doesn't work.

So the good ones have a very good medium, a happy balance (pun, intended), and it is a very nice thing to think of and I feel like in order to discover yourself, you have to come to terms that it is a part of human core to indulge in yourself in order to be selfless for other people, but to be completely selfless is sort of an idiotic idea.

I don't think I'm selfless, I actually know that I am not selfless, but I like to dot hings for people and help people be happy, I wish that everyone could smile all the time everyday, but I want to be smiling too, and in that way unfortunately not everyone can be smiling all the time.

So today please take a little time to just be comfortable and happy, get all cosy, and just don't worry about everything that is about to happen or has happened, or the fact that you didn't hold the elevator for that person, or you can't like that person who has feelings for you back, you can't control fate, and it is destiny that you are here.


Jess :]

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