Saturday, January 1, 2011



If it's anybody's business but my own to know why I'm going tos tart writing everyday, its because its a resolution. And to be honest, I think it will be for my own good. Its an urban myth to even attempt to stick to a resolution, it's like a universal goal to not make goals that you can't keep, and well I guess what I'm trying to say that this is a little easier than pledging to stay fit or quit drinking, but it is an equal battle for remembering, and therefore continuing.

So I hereby state my New Year's Resolutions, I'll have to keep them in mind to continue on with each of them:
-This lovely little blog every single day, with exception to those that are busy, full of studying, or when it honestly doesn't suit me
-to, in short, 'chill out' about things

So we;ll see, I think those are reasonable, and in the event of this blog I end up not posting every day or near to it as possible I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain someone will kick me, or polka me out of my room :P

So now it's 2011, an end to a decade, an end to one very influential year, and last night after my festivities were finished and I was snug up underneath the Christmas light stars that hang everywhere at this time or year, I realised that this sort of thing for me, making a relatively time consuming and invasive pledge as a blog, should be a good thing for me. Usually my writing is kept away, along with my thoughts, so the thing with this blog is that its going to be written for me, in a kind of revolutionary way. I want to just put my thoughts somewhere, and if no one reads it, that's fine, then I'm up there with all of the other millions of blogs that are never read, as long as I like what I write and I don't disappoint myself.

Disappointment is the worst.

So I hope that everyone else out there spent their last moments of 2010 with people they love, and entered 2011 with a bang, I certainly did.

Take care until tomorrow,
Jess :]

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