Wednesday, January 19, 2011

give me a home and I'll fill the space


Why can't people ever just say things? Admit to faults, reveal hidden secrets, give someone relief? Why is it so hard for people in the world to not be blunt, to just hurt someone's feelings? If it is a cliffhanger everyone wanted we would be reading a good suspense novel, not having a conversation. Not attempting to make plans, or have an intellectual debate, or battle something important. No, the world is looking for answers, and everyone in it has just decided that in order to keep everyone's feelings from geting hurt, they will just neglect to tell anyone anything. I may be a hypocrite, but I admit to my faults.

And that's all for today, because I honestly feel like that's enough.

I've just had enough.

Take care,

Jess :]

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