Sunday, January 9, 2011

tar and feather me, I'll write you a love song


I was going to write a lovely blog about nature and humanity taking things for granted and I started it earlier today, however I think this is more important. What is love? What is it that makes you want to care about someone else? And why is it so important to us to maintain love? I believe in love, I believe in true love, but I also believe in platonic love. I have a lot of love to give, and a lot of people, many unknowingly and not in a creepy way, recieve that love.

So, what is it? Is it pity or self indulgence? Or is it something less basic, more socity based and modern, like a melodrama? Is it the craving for acceptance or is it just the plain age-old fact that everyone just wants to have compassion and mean something to someone. I have this thing, where if I think someone needs it I give it, regardless of what I get back. Is this love? I think it is.

But love isn't friendship or compassion to everyone, people believe in sex and chemistry over simple love. Which, in all honesty, good for them. If you have the confidence to trust someone in only a sexual, physical passion, than you are more skilled than I. If you can give yourself fully to someone with likely little in return, than you know how to maintain not only sanity but strength... But I think love is strength, and love isn't just passion.

Many, me included, believe that love equals passion. Love needs the sparks and the fireworks, and this is just so unreasonable. Love is sitting in on a Wednesday night drinking hot chocolate and reading the paper together. Love can be so many different things, but most of all, espeically now that I'm learning to realise and accept quickly, is that love is being comfortable with both whomever you're with and yourself at the same time, and accepting that you are safe and happy. It's a great feeling, I recommend it.

But these feelings don't just happen with a life partner, I quite honestly believe that love is a friendship thing. I spent the evening with a group of friends, and I had just the best time because I felt comfortable and content, and we had a really boring nothing-to-do night. Take the time to have these moments with people you love, because it is worth every moment of silence of content thought together. It is worth so much to be with people and to be with people who respect and love you back.

So have a wonderful night, whether you're alone on this Sunday night drinking that hot chocolate alone, or if you're sitting with your group in your content happiness, please, enjoy it.


Jess :]

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