Tuesday, January 25, 2011

in all these cases there are established useages


Some people prosper in the whirlwind of pressure, time crunches, and busy-ness, but I seem to just press on in a slow vigorous waltz down the highway of finished-ville, which makes for a very long day. I've been around the block twice today but it feels like I've made no progress, and the work piles up for miles and miles and I feel like I can't climb it...

If I had free time anymore just to myself I would probably do some of the work that I've been putting off, and that is an odd concept. I have been needing to read a couple of plays, but whenever I p lan to actually read them something more pressing comes up. If I had an hour or two to myself I bet I'd get a whole play done, and that would be on scheduled free time.

It is a terrible business, scheduling your free time. It defeats the purpose really, when you have to tell yourself when to take breaks or have time to yourself. When life isn't a constant set of activities and things change, you could be in the zone writing a paper but five o'clock hits and you know that you booked that time off for a break, and then bam good ideas gone. Its deteriorating for your work, well, mainly my work.

So if you're on a roll keep on rollin' and give yourself a reward when you're done. If you're stuck in a not-wanting-to-actually-do-anything mood, take a break, and then make a goal and reqard yourself with relaxing after that goal. It is the concept of planned relaxation, which seems to be the story of my life.

I've written an entire paper today, edited another, finished a resume, and read the first couple chapters of a book.. It doesn't look as productive as it really was, and there's still so much more to do... If I can't keep up with this work I just don't know anymore. You should see how busy I'm going to be this friday afternoon and saturday, it actually looks like NO free time, NO breaks, and NO relaxation for me!

Take care, hope you get everything you're supposed to be doing done, and that you can take a break!

Jess :]

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