Sunday, January 2, 2011

just keep swimming


Today I found myself surrounding by crowds of people wearing skates, who were all slightly taller than usual, and a little more bundled as this was an indoor ice rink. There was also a large portion of people with children, now this is the verbatum: Why? I mean yes, ice skating is incredibly enjoyable to anyone young or old, capable or not, but for young children--especially brought against their will--they tend to find it less entertaining. Especially whilst bundled in snow pants of bright colours and mittens that just won't quit. The ice is cold, and it's hard, and their ankles must not be developed enough balance-wise to keep them afloat for a long period of time. This fact of small children falling, makes me weary and a little skeptical of the whimsical fun of skating.

And so I rejoice in the fact that, where there's a little bundle of skating hell, there is a reflective parent who has to deal with their now screaming, and as my mom says it, squawking, child. It's their own fault for forcing this freezing activity on their offspring, and now they have to deal with the humility that everyone around them knows that that kid does not want to be there, and it's that parent's fault.

But I'm not blaming anyone, skating is a relatively harmless activity that, in the winter, provides physical activity and social interaction that is otherwise avoided during the holiday season. I learned how to skate at age three, trailed behind an old chair at the local arena with my parents, and I had my share of falling. I always loved skating, even though I could never truly stand up straight, or stop...ever.

So I am not critisizing, I am just merely stating a well known arena-going fact: that young children often do not enjoy the act of skating, but some love it. It's a personal thing, not everyone loves to be surrounded by people in the freezing cold and the only thing holding you up from the hard ice is thin metal slats. Maybe I'm just a clumsy person, but I also make excellent observations.

And for the record, not all posts will be this late, it is still sunday!

Take care, until tomorrow,
Jess :]

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