Thursday, January 20, 2011

oh yeah


I want to travel the world. I need some inspiration. I want to just jump on a plane and land somewhere exotic, not necessarilly warm or anything...But somewhere incredible, somewhere life changing, somewhere that will impact me and broaden my life. I want to have experiences in new places and meet incredible people.

I want to walk out my front door and see the lights of a city shine in the sky above me, and hear the whisper of grass from a nearby field on either side of me. I want to be able to breathe air with history in every inflection. I want to live my life on the stones rocks and roads of my ancestors. I want to live through history in an invigorating depth. I want to touch a stone wall that a soldier touched. I want to have meaningful memories.

I want to experience nightlife, experience day time markets, experience love and passion and failure. I want to see a flowing chandelier glisten above an opera. I want to hear a live band play in a downtown pub. I want to drink tea in the afternoon. I want to experience life in a whole new way, different from before and better than the future.

I want to know my own country; to know the prairies and the coasts; to know the arctic and the borders. I want to know people; know names; recognise hometown stores and street names. I want to know the paths and the lines on every map, I want to discover, create, and explore.

Most of all, I want to be with people who mean the most to me. I want to share my experience with someone or more than one so that I can shape these wants and dreams into memories. I want to travel, I want to be. I want all of these things so that I can be a better person. So that I can learn and evolve in a way that I will appreciate and feel good about. I want to dream.

I want to dream big.

So to everyone who wants, needs, dreams, and has: get off your ass and plan. Although it seems cliche, you can't reach a goal without a plan. If my goal is to travel to see the world to be everywhere to know to learn and to love every minute of it, I'm going to work my hardest to get there.

Autumn '12 <3 here's hopin' to start the journey!


Jess :]

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