Saturday, March 12, 2011

new orleans is sinking..


I missed yesterday apparently! So I will write two today, and make this one different from the next somehow, and I got this, no worries. I think it was because I've been overtired for a couple of days, especially yesterday, since I had maybe four hours of sleep and was just tired all day. If only I could turn back time to eleven forty five pm last night I could just do this yesrerday, but no such luck for me!

I have been planning my summer already, excluding the job factor as that hasn't really been enlightened information quite yet. I have been writing a list of tv shows that I am watching on DBD so that I can actch up on my pop culture and my British pop culture, and then further my knowledge of cultural indifference and acting style, which I find suitable summer activities. I've also got a book list going. So so far I'm spending my summer watching Seinfeld and reading Austen, hooray.

However, I spend most of my summer up at a beach two hours away from here and my actually home and everyone that I love. I go up there, and I get togther with my beach friends, and we spend tow months of inpenetratable bliss. We live in our own worlds up there, it's a different way of life. You wake up at ten, eat, then go to the beach all day. You have dinner with the family, then leave until the wee hours of the morning to go to the hot tubs or run to the water at midnight to watch the fireworks while you swim and then drink beer listening to country on the back of a sixty nine chevy tailgate.

You bike, everywhere. Into town, there's a subway and a dairy queen, and those are the only two recognizable hot spots other than home hardware, and if that is anything to be excited about then I've really been missing out. I miss the air downtown, the people who walk and J-walk the hell out of main street because if the cars hit you then well, that's not legal at all. I love how I wear shorts everyday and sandals and buy books used for two dollars at the thrift book store. I love how the arcade sells rubber ducks.

I love how my friends are hilarious, and we can not see each other for ten months and then instantly be inseperable again. I love how we can talk for hours about nothing, or drink from eleven till four and then wake up at eight to work. I love how when we work it's always hilarious and although our job is taken seriously, it still is the best job in the world. I love how they gave me a job, period.

I love the people who live in this park, that aren't transy's who just come and go, but the old people the young people the little kids the parents, the every singled out person, who knows why they're there is because this place rocks, and the atmosphere is just that everyone is so happy and in love with the beach and the park that you don't want to leave.

The second you hit the beach area, time seems to slow down. My favourite part is when we get into the gate area to get into the park, we have to slow down. I take out my ipod headphones from the backseat of the family van, and I just listen to the trees as the wind blows through them while we eneter the park. At a certain point, all five of us in my family whip off our seatbelts, and then just sit waiting to get into our trailer and unpack, so that we can begin our vacation.

We sometimes go on weekends during school, and those are great too because the paragraph above happens, but everything happens so much quicker. Friends pop out and we only have two nights to catch up, and then we stay out all night and shop or beach all day. I can't explain the feeling, but it is incredible.

I miss my beach, I miss my second home.

Thoughts go out to Japan, and everywhere else that is getting aftermath of this terrible terrible thing. I was crying yesterday, today I'm strong. I know that thoughts don't do much, but if positive vibes wren't worth anything I don't think I'd be here right now.

Take care,

Jess :]

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