Sunday, March 6, 2011

good will and silly hats

[sixty five]

I am most excited to have my own place for the reasons of my own privacy except for one: dinner parties. I love potlucks, I love people getting together, I love meeting people and watching people, I think it is just the best time spent. I know people who have dinner parties and love them, I love having dinner parties and potlucks, but I also love going to them. I like to play hostess, but to play the guest is a lot of fun as well! I think it shows great quality of friendship, but it also speaks to their politeness and grasp for balance of their life.

If you don't gotz the skillz, then you don't gotz the skillz, bro.

So I guess I'm excited to get out the good china, make chicken, serve drinks, play some board games and karoake, that's what everyone else does, right? I was at a dinner party once with my parents at a huge farm house in my home town, it is a small town and out in the boonies you really know how to get people together. There were lots of children and food and dips and people, and it was just the most enjoyable experience. I had a dip that had salsa and cheese but it was cream cheese, how is that not incredible? I miss those days where I could go to one of those and be at the age where the kids were younger than me, too young to play, and the adults were talking, and I was too young to talk as well. So I could just enjoy myself by watching everyone talk or play, and I could eat all that I wanted!

There's an episode of The Office with Steve Carrell where Jim has a dinner party and he gives everyone from the office a tour of his home, and I feel like that brings back fond memories. If it was the first time people were in my house, my mom would make me clean my room and wash up for the company. My mom is great for dinner parties, we set the table nice and everything. Now that I've got to depend on myself for such entertainment, I think that it should be super fun!

I don't know why I felt like talking about this today, or talking about the dinner parties or my mom, but it just came to my mind. I feel like I've been so tired for so long that I want to just go to a dinner party and relax, I almost want it to be a blind dinner party so I could wear track pants and slippers, and no one would judge me, and I could wear killer perfume and eat cream cheese salsa and cracker dip for ever.

I also would like to just say quickly that I wish the snow would go away.

Take care!

Jess :]

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