Tuesday, March 1, 2011

breath of fresh air


Cracking open the window this morning to let in the fresh air and the sunshine I sighed and looked at my poetry books laying on the floor, and kicked them. I do not hate poetry, but man is it hard to come up with ideas everyday for a week. Prose month is over, february is a short month fortunately for me so I can move on to bigger and better things in March!

Today has been my first day since my surgery last Friday for me to actually join in societal activitie, so my main focus for the day has been to stay standing up, not faint, keep breathing, don't wince in pain all the time, etc. I think it went well, I'm not dying now that I have finished all of my classes and have a little down time. I am spending the evening and rest of the afternoon finishing up writing assignments for my playwriting class, all except for my final play that may be a little more deep and entrenched in ym life than I thought.

As for the rest of the week, it doesn't seem too busy but it is. I have two quizzes to potentially finish on Friday, but before I can do that I have to do the readings tomorrow. I have another english assignment being assigned this week as well, along with another assignment being returned. Everything is just falling hard down on my world lately, can't catch a dry spell.

Speaking of lack of work, I have taken up listening to other people's conversations. I think that this is as little invasive as it possibly could be considering the circumstance, I mean, I can't see who they are anyway so it really should not be an issue. However, I think that listening to the way other people speak to eachother about eachother is important in understanding why people are the way they are, and therefore I've been a little quieter than usual lately. I think people don't really notice, not that I am a quiet person or anything, I just think people have stopped really taking notice or caring about me at all; not a huge deal.

Gave you ever studied something so much it makes you hate it? I think that's how I've made Facebook out to be lately. I always swore I was a facebook person, because it is so much more invasive, personal, and ostracising than something like twitter, but I feel more informed and wordldly post-twitter because of the amount of people and variety of people that I can follow.

I follow my favourite youtubers, my close friends, and the new york times world edition. I think these are important to me because I know what is going on in other people's lives right now, and that is the medium of social subjectivity in our society today. I think that our society is based strongly on morals and beams of trust and exploitation to others and strangers and personal friends. I think that in order to be individual and original in a society where identity theft and ideology plagerism is so prominent you need to be reassured of self security and rewarded for being a misfit or different. I think that materialism is the illegitamte love child of facebook and the peace sign.

So if you have a facebook profile page, and remember myspace, and remembe rpiczo websites, and remember chat rooms, and remember when the internet didn't exist and you had to actually see people's faces in order to talk to them and create a bond I challenge you to this: Get a twitter account. This sounds so silly, and you don't have to do it, but twitter search your friends, your favourite actors, your favourite hip musicians, and me (fekkledfudge) and see what's going on outside of facebook. See what people are doing innovatively, see what they are doing to help other people, see what technology has done for the owrld.

Whadda rant, love ya-- I'M BACK

take carem

Jess :]

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