Tuesday, March 15, 2011

if i write about what interests me

[seventy four]

I have been thinking a whole lot lately about what motivates people. I mean, the kind of things that are huge choices, down to the little things such as starting a blog. What if you have no motivation? And what if your motivation is for someone else, and that motivation is not returned? I think of all of these things, and that prompts me to motivate myself into gear, to figure out what I really want in my life, and what I respect, value, and deam important.

So looking through my motivations, I started with this blog. I write it for me whereeas some people write their blogs for other people to read them, I write this so I don't go too crazy, and so that although my thoughts are jumbled, they can be somewhat decipherable enough to be able to write down here.

I am motivated to go to school so that I can be better at what I love, and learn everything, and get a job that I love, and do everything that I want. I feel like this university education will open so many doors of opportunity for me, in ways that may not seem possible right now, but will be possible once I put that time and commitment into it. I am motivated to write every paper, attend every lecture, and actually try hard in every class so that I can be better.

I am motived, in general, to be happy, for the sake of my happiness, sanity, and well being. I don't know if I could call it motivation, or if I could just use a loose term of prompted indirectly, to be happy. I feel more influenced and pressured to be happy then a wanting, I'd rather you be happy, but I guess that I want happiness as well, and even if it is hard sometimes, I gotta try.

So if youo have motivations, or have no motivation, buckle up and take the plunge. I think that in order to really hold the reigns of your life you need to have that motivation to get out of bed in the morning and do something with your life.

I really haven't thought about much else today, I've got to write and write and write some more for my playwriting class, so I've got to go slam into the headache that is my life.

Take care,

Jess :]

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