Monday, November 7, 2011

i kept your dreams with me babe, i mixed them with my own

[three hundred, eleven]

Have you ever seen the little mermaid? the dog in that movie is adorable, the one that saves prince eric and can hardly see from all of the hair in its eyes? I am super picky about dogs, and I don't know why. It's a weird thing to be picky about, I think, because they are just like any other being, just a personality in a different body, but I think that even the personality could be defined by the breeding. Ouch, I'm an ass, I take that back.

I just like the orange labs the best...

Today has just been the weirdest day. I woke up this morning thinking that I had the most wonderful sleep, and then ended up having a terrible, absolutely unbearable headache all day and no amount of water would help, and so tomorrow if it sticks around I'm taking some tylenol, but seriously it ruined all productivity today other than a little bit of research and reading, which I guess is okay.

I'm just disappointed, I guess.

I am so hot right now. When I get hot I get unfortunately moody, unpleasant, I am uncomfortable and I hate it. I wish that I wasn't so readable like this, but if I'm hot my hair goes up and clothes come off, can't help it, it's unreasonable for me to have to be uncomfortable due to temperature... I hate it.

It'd be nice if it were Christmas now, atleast there'd be snow. I'm actually so excited for the snow, I can't wait. I want to wear my boots and cosy sweaters and drink hot drinks and not feel uncomfortable. I'll probably sit outside a lot, I like sitting outside it's nice.

One thing you'll learn about me is that I like my schedule to be the way I like. If it's written down I don't like to change it, so I'd rather not change things but if it's in advance it's okay. If something's scheduled, it's happening, and so tonight as I schedule tomorrow I leave a large open space in the middle of my day for "varied homework" as I will try to study for atleast something... And possibly figure out when my last midterm is (December?)

So tonight I hope everyone has a wonderful sleep. Go to bed early or late whatever you like, and just enjoy it. Think about all of the marvelous wonders of the world tha are around you, the wind when nature's on the brink of winter, the birds that cling to the leave-less trees hoping for some sort of release from the cold...

I heard a bhird today, it was singing, I was about to enter into a buiding but I lingered... I wanted to keep listening, I love hearing stories..

Take care,

Jess :]

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