Wednesday, November 16, 2011

don't remind me

pthree hundred, nineteen]

I need ideas for presents? Help? I've had an alright day, hasn't been too terrible, in need of some sort of organisation for my thoughts though, I wrote a paper, I read it over, it' Atleast something's down for my editing appointment tomorrow. I just found everything I needed for resources on the archives for tomorrow should take only an hour which is nice. I just want things to go smoothly from now until friday night.

Atleast on Friday night I could possibly be done the papers due next week, started studying, finished a project, etc. etc... Chances of everything being polished are slim, but atleast I'll have a little more peace of mind.

Breathe in peace, breathe our stress. In. Out.

I need to put the sheets back onto my bed, which I should do before I get into bed, but I don't really have the incentive to right now, so, it'd be nice but it probably won't happen until tomorrow. I finished everything I needed for tomorrow though, so, I'm sort of stoked about life today. I guess that's because I don't feel terrible, funny how that works.

Except when it comes to the organisation of my thoughts. Why do I think in such non-linear ways? I don't even work backward, it's sort of like a belly flop, I attack the ideas with my whole body at once, I try to get it all out there and it turns out confusing and muddled and is a little bit painful.

Great metaphor I know, or simile, who knows.

Bottom line is I'm ready for christmas, I'm ready for next friday, I'm ready for something to eat actually I need a shnack, maybe I'll finish that popcorn.. And I have to do the dishes. These are the things on my mind. I need to do some more research tomorrow and get my paper sorted out before I can relax smooth sailing until friday where I get to go home and go shopping and buy one present in particular.. I can't think of anything.. I'll have to think about it a little bit more.

A prof cancelled a class that is tomorrow. Life rocks.

Take care, have a lovely evening, please take a sec to smile for me today, you have so many reasons to smile it's ridiculous so just do it. Go on, go. I was in the bathroom in the bullring today and on the inside of one stall there were all of these cute happy messages about loving life and being great, so I'm going tomorrow to write one with a permanent marker. I'm excited. I love people.


Jess :]

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