Sunday, October 30, 2011

super things come in threes

[three hundred, three]

My best friend bought me a christmas sweater today, and I cried when I found it on my bed. I love surprises, and she made this day of the boy going back to school a lot easier. I've had such a good week spending time and cuddling and eating good food and watching movies and buying things with the boy, and I realised today the amazing people that I have in my life. I am so thankful for them.

I love being close to people. I love when people love eachother, and hug eachother, and trample eachohter on beds out of sheer love. I think that more people should do nice things for strangers, for people they hate, for professors, for people they love, for their dogs, everyone is not loving enough to themselves, either.

Love who you are, and if you don't I have enough love for the both of us.

I talk about love a lot, and I'm sorry, but it's a big motivator for my life. Why do anything if there isn't any love in it? So I put love into my everything. Have you seen the movie love, actually? It's amazing. I want to watch it right now... It's a christmas movie, set in england. If those aren't the two things that are most on my mind right now I don't know what else!

Oh, the boy. Him too, he's great. He bought me a christmas teddy bear. Man do the people around me know what I like.

Cutest people of life, a very good weekend surrounded by good people, I think it's time for snuggling into bed, before a busy week.

A loving and well deserved hug to you,

JEss :]

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