Sunday, October 23, 2011

"her boobs, definitely"

[two hundred, ninety-six?]

I haven't had a good pancake breakfast in like a year. A good one, with good conversation and friends and laughing, and well, I think that's on the tall order this week. You know what else is? Probably a lot of essay and story writing for me, but, well, that's alright too.

I don't think I drink enough water. It's such a silly concept, drinking eight glasses of water a day, but you need to. There are so many things that every basic human needs, and yet we neglect them. We need to be loved, we need nutrients in food, we need positivity and rest and laughter, and yet so many of these things are taken for granted and glazed over within the [erameters (i should really stop saying that) of our basic contemporary moderm society.

I try to balance these things, I indulge myself I eat junk food once in a while, I drink copius amounts of water, I dance everyday and smile at everybody I see (blind jokes?) but seriously, I smile a lot. Everybody needs happiness, fuck freud, it's attainable. Discontent isn't the basis of our society, life is.

And life is meant to be just lived. It is meant to take eveyrhting to the extreme, the fullest, risks, no regrets, no looking back just living in that one piece of moment where things were real, things were intense and lovely, those moments are those that I live for.

Like this one time where I was running down the beach in the middle of the night with glowsticks around my neck and wrists, and I was a little intoxicated but not really, and I was with one of my best friends and we were screaming and running through the shallow water, and there were fireworks and other screaming and I could see nothing and everything all at once.

I live for those moments.

I live for the moments that I will remember, the situations the pieces that amongst all of the other bullshit days, the groaning feelings, and the stupid people, that stick out. That shine amongst the dull. The red amongst the evergreen. I wish that everyone would see these, I'm blind for pete's sake and all I do is search for these pieces.

And I find them everyday, there's always something shining.

So go today, and drink water. Just do it. Drink the eight glasses, drink what you need, and start with that. And then let the needs bleed into the rest of your life. If you love someone, tell them. If you need a huge, get one. If you need to let go, do it. If you need to eat because it's good for you and you should stop counting calories, then for the love of everything good do it. For the love of pete, just do what you need to get by, take the risk.

And remember that I know and think you are worth it,

love always,

Jess :]

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