Monday, October 10, 2011

coundown three

[two hundred, eighty-one]

I tried to write a poem just now, and my creativity was burst. I don't really understand how that happens or how it did happen, but it was gross, and it just sort of ruined what I was trying to say. I'll sum it up in three lines:

I would like there to be noise most of the time,
but sometimes there is too much noise,
and so I stay in isolation to stay in a noise level that is acceptable to me.

Is that a poem? Not necessarilly, I mean it doesn't rhyme and doesn't really have a structure. But it has a point, a message, and I understood it enough to be clear. Why can't all of the writing that I have to do be done in this fashion? I am hungry but I just had a huge turkey dinner three hours ago so I shouldn't eat anything, it's my body playing mind tricks... Oxymoron?


Jess :[

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