Monday, October 10, 2011

four days behind because I like to eat triptofan

[two hundred, eighty]

This is a test to see how many of my biology friends actually read this anymore, I gather the running count will As will anyone else reading this. I've given up on caring, it's just fun to see who pays attentions these days.

Funny thing, paying attention is, to little details. I have this plan for a surprise and it's focused on little details, the little things people say that I remember and file away for a time when it will be appreciated. I don't do this on purpose either, it just sort of happens.

That's something I value in people I surround myself with. People who will remember little things, but not use them to throw back in my face in vindictive ways, as some people have been known to do lately, or to be negative or remember the bad things, but t/o make me feel like I'm not just talking to the dust on the wall, or in my ntoebooks, rather.

I'm debating starting another blog come the new year, obviously this one will still be available but I'm going to have another page and just start fresh. Maybe not an everyday thing, but an occaisional thing. I feel like I write better and more often when it's a commitment, so I'll try to set something up.

I'm also debating on making a whole new blog entirely, but that may be on the fly... I dunno, down low, basement-recreational value, for my eyes only. As if this isn't my eyes only already.

Isn't it funny that I write my thoughts down, my private, diverse, in my head thoughts down on a public space? I think the days of privacy have been revolutionised. No longer is privacy subjective, but it is all based on the settings you set your life to.

I'll be posting another three today because I am behind, stay tuned for some short catch up bs, maybe a poem.

love and hugs,

Jess :]

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