Sunday, October 2, 2011

corrupting left and right through the bleak and stark of night

[two hundred, seventy-four]

I love autumn, I want to be married in the fall, and to have a wedding where the leaves are all turned colour, but still sort of warm enough that if I wanted to get married outside then I could. I love taking time during this particular part of the season to walk around without my headphones in and just listen to the wind, the wind in the trees through the leaves and listen to the noise they make, the shuffling, rustling gorgeous sound that draw me in everytime.

I have been having such a good weekend, with such great people and celebrating and dancing and just talking. Sitting in cafe's and talking about life and food and friends, our lives, our futures our pasts, I miss my good friends from home, they make me feel like I have a place and I am so blessed to be in the know with them. They are the reason that my highschool career was successful, not because of the music or the classes or the anything, they were my high school.

I need to clean my room, everything from the past few days has just accumulated in certain areas. I feel like times when things are super busy and I have no time to just sit and watch a show and read vogue is the time where I know my room will be a chaotic mess.

Oh, and by the way, I have never felt this at peace in my life, which is all due to someone who has changed me, and they don't know it and I didn't realise it until recently. It makes me cry to think of unhappiness in the world, but it makes me cry harder that I can't bring it to everyone. I want to spread my peace, and all I wish is for everyone to have a love, and feel loved, and be loved. I love you, babe.


Jess :]

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