Tuesday, December 6, 2011

watching to forget, thinking to forget

[three hundred, thirty-nine]

Sixteen days left? What?

triathalon of jumping jacks sometimes are too much
to handle, too much to think about in one serving,
one mouth full of activity,
swelling with drink and ale and bumper sticker sickness,
and illness that infects everybody it pokes everybody,
everybody's jacks are jumped and hearts have beaten,
so they sit down with their knife and fork and spoons,
their patriarchal heads of tables,
heads on backward staring, seeking aquaintence,
acknowledgement in the other's eyes,
demanding atteniton craving the silence that isn't there,
their thirst for more, their working for a common goal,
the worker's together under civilization,
underground under the jacks and the jills,
the windowsills,
sometimes it takes a two four six eight kind of mind,
that single serving of switchboard memories,
to just take into account the feelings one gets when
they turn on
the television,
but turn it off,

focus: I'm thinking some dinner politics here, but I certainly have no idea.

I think it is important to take into consideration the fact that not everybody in the world eats a sit down meal with their family every evening. It is customary in our family to have famjam dinners, so I am used to it. I am used to serving sizes being compared and the televsion being on most days, or Sundays with Nascar or other days with movies or the news, somedays just the radio so we can listen and cry and cheers ching chink, celebrations sometimes. And sometimes we don't talk at all, those are the weird days. It seems like everyday there is always something irking the family, something that is underneath, undergr the ground of our family features the hierarchy of the heads of the tables the parentals the patriarchal battles, the pants in the family, the physical activity the exhaustion... Everything, except for creativity is allowed at our dinner table, sometimes. I think it isn't fair when he has his spoon on his nose, he should be able to express his laughter and stories any way he wants.

Have a good dinner, tonight, and appreciate the conversation. Regardless if it's with yourself or anyone, that is a simple joy in life that we take for granted.


Jess :[

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