Wednesday, December 14, 2011

alright now i'm back

[three hundred, forty-seven]

I arrived home today, carried and piled all of my things in my room, went out for lunch with my parents, went shopping with my mom, hung out with my siblings, watched my brother skate, wrapped christmas presents with my sister, partially cleaned my room, found a blanket and now I'm in bed. It's been a relatively busy moving in/out day for the holidays. I love being home.

It's raining, which isn't snowing, which is irritating. I think I've taken snow for granted over the past nineteen years, and I miss it. Christmas isn't christmas without snow.

I seriously almost fell asleep on my computer, I'm typing this from bed so I took a little break from the awkward position and almost fell asleep. I don't think I ate enough today to compensate for all of the running around I did, I'll have to be better for the next couple of days because it's going to be insanely busy.

Bit that's the holidays. People don't take the time for a cup of tea or a breather and just keep going, while on their way to running out of steam. If anything this is the time to destress, but it always seems the most stressful. Why take for granted this beautiful, joyous time of the year? Taking things for granted is overrated, I'd rather enjoy life.

So take a second this season to just breathe, and smile, and witness the love that happens this time of year. It's everywhere.. City sidewalks, busy sidewalks... I am so excited for the next two weeks it's incredible. why is excitement so profound to me? It's that one emotion that makes my heart skip a beat, skip two, and then finally I can fit perfectly into the puzzle that everyone fits into, the buzz, the sanity, the clicking that everyone feels when they feel like they understand their purpose to be here. I've given so many hugs today it's ridiculous.

I wish I still had the capability to write things that made me feel good about writing, maybe tomorrow


Jses :]

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