Saturday, December 24, 2011


[three hundred, sixty]

To Mac or to stay Pc? That is the question.

I have been a pc since..well, since computers were available, since I was tall enough to sit in the computer chair in like 1998 and type letters, but lately I've been feeling a change coming. It's the slowness, the breakdowns, the over heating, the everything. I want something sleeek, shiny, new.

But I hardly know anything about computers, and I do love my computer right now, it has character and is mine and it has been for nearly two years now, but it's not a Mac. I feel silly saying these things, but I think I'm ready. Just something smaller, compact, something that.. Well, I don't know, it seems cool. I'll have to try it out of course, but it sure would be interesting!

That's my debate lately, that's what is ruffling my feathers and is on my mind. I'd love to just go to the apple store and sit in there for an hour and play with one, see if it would fit for me, but I do not have the time. Maybe after the trip, that would be a fun afternoon! Any takers?

My life is so boring.

Jess :]

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