Friday, December 9, 2011

he digs me,

[three hundred, forty-two]

I pledge to work my ass off next semester (not like I have been already or anything) but just a lot more apparently. I'm going to read and write all Christmas break (or read, for some of it) and I am going to make it, and be proud of the things I do, and not worry about what other people have done and are doing. I'm going to be positive and smart and funny and pretty and do yoga and dirnk tea.

I am not going to worry about the way I look, and even though I will I am going to pretend like I'm not, and love who I am, because I am me and I am okay with that.

Tomorrow is my second exam and I am nervous but I feel like I'm ready, I am going to take my time and actually take it since I always have enough time but I rush because I am nervous. I will not do this tomorrow because it is important that I take my time. I can do this.


I can do this. Stan kicks the ball. The ball rolls towards Stan. Stan picks up the ball. The ball is heavy in Stan's hands. Stan feels that the ball is heavy in his hands. Stan throws the ball. The ball rolls away from Stan.

I can do this, I can do this. Why am I such a mundane twit? Purse needs to be packed, shower, dance do yoga eat something water water sleep, alarm, alarm is on sleep. I am prepared and breathing look I'm breathing.

What the hell am I doing, writing a play? Reality theatre get out of my head, I want to read the book on theatre of the extreme that I picked up today, and then tomorrow I am going to spend a half hour looking for a new play and a mythology poetry book that I am bringing home for Christmas break. Those, my writing handbook and my new poetry books. And Vogue, quality reading, I want my picturebooks by my side.


tomorrow is just like any other day, any other eight thirty day stay awake don't get headache breathe breathe and just, do it. Get er done. Get shit done. Do this.

I have to because I love the way things are sometimes but tomorrow should be good this time tomorrow I'll be scheduling studying for Sunday and then drinking hot chocolate in my jammies, or dancing, probably both? Probably.

I'm a jammie dancer, and a qualified



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