Thursday, September 22, 2011


[two hundred, sixty-five]

There are only one hundred blogs left until the end of the project, the end of my resolution, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to continue to write regularly, maybe I should do more months where I have a theme, like February. I could do October as a themed month, maybe all prose again, I sort of liked that. I throw some in every now and then, that poem I wrote earlier really hit me in some way, but I don't know I liked it...

I love raspberries. I had a crepe not long ago with raspberries in a "goop," and man, it was delicious. I think that it just makes me feel like I have some different sugars. I don't like just plain raspberries anymore, but with the goop, it's da bomb!

I just started a book for a class that I am really enjoyed, and I haven't read a book like this for a class yet, one that I could genuinely enjoy. I think that's something I've been looking forward to the most since becoming an English major. I love being an english major for so many reasons, but one is the amount of reading, books, texts, and theories that I can be exposed to. I love this.

Why is today turning out to be so positive? I think it's the pending weekend. I know it is, actually, so really that shouldn't be a question. It is because this weekend is this weekend, and things are just falling into place now, closing in on the answer now, thank all mighty bruiser.

I wish I knew elvish.

love always,

Jess :]

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