Wednesday, September 28, 2011

and this is why I love it here

[two hundred, seventy[

I started off today as a bad day girl. I woke up in a bad mood, not wanting to leave my nest, and kept pressing snooze, like every other teenage/young adult student who doesn't get enough sleep and yet the pressing, impending doom of early morning classes pokes at us saying "come on, get up, you'll be late or worse, have big puffy sleepy eyes all day."

I have big puffy sleepy eyes today.

I wrote today off as a bad day, I forgot things, I do this a lot, it's one of the downfalls to being blind, I forget that something isn't there, or forget that something is on my floor and step on it and break it, or I forget to throw something out, etc. I try my best to fix all of this, but I'm not perfect. Today I forgot my gym card, and so I brought all of my gym clothes and shoes, carrying them with my laptop to school was so heavy, for nothing. Needless to say I was disappointed with myself.

This all has happened in the last hour and a half, and now I am sitting in the library, reading a novel for a class, ate an apple had some cheerios, some of the problems have resolved, maybe I am no longer a morning person. I have reverted back to my highschool needs, that I need atleast an hour in the morning to warm up to being awake, which sort of bothers me, but maybe it's better to admit to that than to run around spitting lies about my psuedo-morning person mindset. I'm going to do my best to not get in bad moods easilly, but it's the whole slepy-hungry thing, I'm such a loser.

But anyways, things are going better now anyway, I am reading, which is a nice relief, and I am actually feeling better. I wish that I had some banana bread, but I guess I can do without until later.

I will write another post later today, maybe and update on my mood. I have an essay due tomorrow that I still need to write a bibliography for.

I hope you have a great day!

Jess :]

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