Thursday, September 22, 2011


[two hundred, sixty-four]

It was the current, I thought that
beat against my chest like clubs,
shrubs and ducks, but I was sitting
sitting in the tub,
against the world it pushed down on me,
the white walls surrounding me,
drowning me until the bubbles from my nose
broke free,
and the cheshire cat smiled cat, it came back
the cat,
because it seems that it always flows back,
it does the water, the world,
it all comes back sometimes,
so it just beats,
not necessarilly down,
or around,
but it keeps me down, alright,
it keeps us all down,
a wet, struggling gravity,
that only if we took the time,
to open our eyes or swim on by,
would we realise or take the time to find
that it is just us here, no saviour
no superhero cape and tails,
no utility belt safety net,
no masked crusader with boots and a whip,
because, didn't you
that heroes can't

focus: I don't even know.

Jess :]

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