Monday, September 19, 2011

kids, I don't need help

[two hundred, sixty-two]

Everyone gives opinions. They give opinions on the outfits you choose, the way you speak, the books you read, everything comes out in some obligetory opinion that people feel the need to tell you to improve your essence. I have been subject and the giver of opinions, and to be frank they are subjective, and incredibly hard to anchor.

If you want to maintain happiness, and continue living your self-propelled and fufilled life, you need to propell yourself, and not count on other's opinions. Don't care what people say, even if they are negative about it, because in the end it is just your life. Making decisions falls in the category of needing opinons, and that is where the going gets rough in my opinon (LAWL).

Regardless of what the opinon, it makes it hard to really figure out what you want for yourself, and if what you want is really what you want. Follow your heart, follow your gut feeling, if it feels good, do it, if it hurts, don't. I feel like some words to live by are all contradictory to one another, do things that are good for you in your opinion, unless you are ill in the head, in which case, get that checked out.

What I'm trying to say here is that nobody should be exclusively influenced by an outside party that is not directly you, or a value/moral/belief of yours. What's so bad with thinking for yourself? Doing something against mainstream ideals? What's so bad with loving what you do even if no one else loves it?

Why did I write about this today? I had so many other things to write about. I was going to write about making mistakes, yoga, and my room mate's room change on a whim, but all of these things fell to the waist-side of my idea that everyone should be happy in their decisions, and shouldn't have to live through the ones that they are only making for other people. Just, be happy.

That is all, I guess, but I could write more. I could write more about how I think that everyone should just like everybody, and nothing should be complicated, or that distance should be eleviated by teleportation or something fancy along those lines. I think that family and ffirneds are most important, as is love and happiness, and if something like prestige money or power is coming in the way of that, change that shit up.

love and cheers,

Jess :]

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