Saturday, September 3, 2011

does anybody think it's weird if

[two hundred, forty-five]

I hate having a clean desk. I think it reflects my state of being, my mind flow, of being a disassembled mess, and when my desk resembles cleanliness, I feel like I'm not doing enough, and therefore, most of my projects, books, scissorsmarkersdvdscords are sprawled everywhere on most of the desks that I have. For the record, I have two. The one at school is a tad messier at the moment due to its occupant, which is me.

Coincidentally at the moment my desk is sort of half and half. I have a nice clean area at the front, but around the sides and the back it breaks down into an organised mess. This is the way my mind works, and this is what is normal for me. I like having things where I know where they are, also known as, don't move my things, please and thanks.

I keep most things that I'd ever need at my desk in arm's length including notepads, markers, dvd's, and a ball of yarn with knitting needles in it. People usually keep their desks tidy for a workspace, but my workspace is on the computer, so my desktop is tidy, but folders and notes are properly organised and labelled, and I do that purposely. I organise the life that is structured, the rest sort of falls into places and pieces when it wants to.

So if your desk is tidy,k or messy, or if you don't have a desk, look at the resemblance of personality and mindspace in relation to the way you organise your physical life. Such as your bed do you make it? Your clothes do you fold them/hang them up? All of these things resemble your inner person, and that's enough hippie dippie bs for now.

Take care,

Jess :]

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