Tuesday, July 19, 2011


pone hundred, sixty-eight]

i hate that so many people are ignorant and intolerant. i was working with the kids and someone asked what was wrong with them. someone said they felt bad for them. they aren't unhappy, they are strong and beautiful and the biggest inspiration. everyday of my life i will remember each of them and think of how easy i have it, regardless of my disability, regardless of my sight, regardless of my education or family situation, i am strong and there will always be someone who has it worse, and someone who has it better, and these kids have no knowledge of either way, they are just ready for life and happy and excited to be there, and they smile everyday.


and no big headed, snot nosed, ignorant, helpless, heartless, vain, intolerant, idiotic staring jerk who walks by and is either afraid or ignorant of these kids will stand in my way of those smiles, because I like their faces, their little smiling, beautiful, happy faces, because they remind me that man, life is good. These kids who've never seen their favourite colours, or my face, or even their bedrooms but love music and reading and dancing and animals, and they love to play sports and be independent and sing, they are absolutely fantastic, and they deserve a lot more than they get.

That's why I get up in the morning, to protect them, and teach them to protect themselves, from the heartless.


Jess :]

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