Tuesday, July 5, 2011


[one hundred, eighty-four]

seven/eight? I don't know..

[I can't do anything to do with multiple choice. I can't do anything that requires relative specifics and tricky, hardly different but marginally are questions. I'm doing a course online right now, and I feel like if I don't really work hard on it I'm going to fail. AND IT IS HISTORY OF MUSIC POP CULTURE. It's because it asked me the difference in a song if it was folk revival or folk, ....... Is Bob Dylan specifically folk revival or folk? Or is he both? In the event that he is both, why put two different folk's, and why why why why do that to me, when I am terrible at specific specifics, and can't get around the fact that I feel like such a failure because I can't get over a seventy in any of these quizzes.

Stay tuned for an update with my second attempt!

Jess :]

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