Tuesday, July 5, 2011

excuse me while i kiss the sky

[one hundred, eighty two]


Please please me oh foxy lady,
pleased to meet you hope you guess my cream
you have to think through innovations, as if there really was no wheel, people once never thought that milk was a thing. sugarpie honey bunch,
heaven is in your mind
There is a thing about jazz solo's that truly make no sense and almost mimic traffic to me. Traffic is unspecified, it is stuck together with scotch tape and is bumpy like rocks or gravel. Jazz solo's of really any sort other than bass bothers me.
Think about Cream's song 'I feel free,' the bass, the soft singing, man, I don't know why I'm so into this music right now. If you dig something psychadellically tripped, either... Jimi Hendrix's first album 'Jimi Hendrix Experience' oooooor the door's mainly the song 'love her madly' are my favourites, just because they're solid. If you want to take a jump into the folk scene that I love, Donovan is an essential. ESSENTIAL. I am in love with Donovan, marriage.

I want to be drowned in my music, I want to sink into the layers of encompassing tender love and passion that is the lines and licks, the acoustically acclaimed radicalism of the sixties through the nineties. I want this a lot.

take care,

Jess :]

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