Friday, July 15, 2011


[one hundred, ninety-five[

This will be short, and there are reasons behind this, but I have been in the deepest, darkest denial since last night at three in the morning. I want to be happy that the premiere is over, but truly, honestly, I want to go and see it again, I want to be involved in the movie from now until it is out of theatres. It was incredible, and I want to read the books again as soon as possible. Right now, actually, if that could happen, I would be reading the first book with my actual eyes. This is the end, and it has been the love of my life and will continue to be the love of my life for the rest of my life, because it was my first love, and it will continue to be important to me.

take care, hope you've got some passion in your life, because impassionate people piss me off. Let's think of some more p words.


Jess :]

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