Sunday, May 8, 2011


[one hundred, twenty-eight]

I never ever make the title of my blog posts related to what I'm writing, which I find funny, it's because I write the title, I put the number down, and then I sit there for a minute, thinking of what to talk about. I usually have no idea, and I just let my fingers roll over the keys until something relatively okay comes out, some days it's fantastic other days it's just swill like today, talkin' about the title.

Sometimes they're just plain old song lyrics, usually the last song I was listening to or the lyric that's stuck in my head. Sometimes I make them up on the spot or they're things that I say, that I think sound interesting or really nice or funny. Usually they have nothing to do what I'm talking about, anyway.

If there is one thing that I hate about wearing clothes, it is that they always look better not on you. Or that they are resztricting when you sleep. Or they are either too hot or cold or a weird temperature all the time. Or if yo get them dirty it's impossible to clean right on the spot. Or if you like them one day in looks you'll hate them another. I don't think clothing, and I hate how appearances are judged so strongly on the appearance of people's clothes.

I would like to just say that if I was going to say something about HIGH VOLTAGE, it would be that I wish every day of the year had a thunderstorm that knocked the power out. There was this one time a couple years ago when there was a huge storm that knocked the power out, and we had rolling black outs for about two to three days, and we ran around the street (I was a lot younger then) and had bonfires and ate ice cream before it melted and tiki torches and it was so incredible, I wisht things like that happened more often.

I also want to go to Greece, asap.

That is all,

Jess :]

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