Wednesday, May 18, 2011

better idea, let's make smores

[one hundred, thirty eight]

During the beginning months of this blog I had lots of lovely advice, heartwarming issue attention and all sorts of words of semi-wisdom. Lately I've just been talking about things that matter to me and things that bother me and instead of telling everyone to do something I've just been talking about myself. I don't really know what else to write about lately, it's like my own inspiration has fizzled into dust. I wish I could write more.

I wish I could write more inspiring sort of things, like about my surgeries, but I don't want to subject myself to that. I can't see, people, and it's sort of frustrating and tiring and sad, but it's also sort of not a total bad thing, I know that I can do everything that I want to, it's just gonna be a longer road than usual.

I feel like eating hummus, does anyone else like hummus? I love it. I remember this one time sitting out front of blockbuster in the rain eating hummus, that was the best, it was a really good day. I also remember this day eating it at highschool, it was good too. Good times.

I also think fruit loops is the breakfast of champions. They are delicious, and always make you smile, and can always get you ready for the day. It is probably a fake statistic, but it has been studied that if you see a smile first thing in the morning you will be in a better mood. It has also been studied that if you laugh heartilly for fifteen minutes a day you will add seven years onto your life. I wouldn't believe these statistics either, but what's the harm in believing in it? It's not terrible advice, it's not terrible to laugh or be happy.

So just be.


Jess :]

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