Thursday, May 26, 2011

for wednesday

[one hundred, forty-five]

This is quite possibly the longest I have gone without writing a blog in over a hundred days and for that I apologise. My internet has been living in sketchville and I haven’t gotten around to posting these. I am actually writing them all in one night, so, that’s sort of cheating. I promise that on FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011 I will resume the prompt blog postings, and they will be fantastic and witty and probably a lot more creative since I just randomly got over a couple week’s worth of writer’s block.
If you are wondering how I am, I am wonderful..ish. I am missing my university friends, and sort of missing my home friends, since I’ve hardly seen either in a little while. I am loving my relaxation at home time, and I dread my schoolwork every week, because it reminds me that I have actual responsibilities to attend to and that it takes me four hours to get through those at the rate that I read/write notes, so I get exhausted on those days. Other than that, I’m fabulous.
I kind of wanted to talk today about happiness, and what it means to be happy. I think that if there is someone or something that makes you happy, don’t give it up. It may not stay stable or the same for a long time, but it will continue to make you happy, so never give up, and never stop doing what you love, because quitter’s never win. I sound like an afterschool special, this was not intentional.
Does everyone hate my blogs? Someone tell me if they’re shit, please, I’d really like to know. And if you read this? GOLD STAR.


Jess :]

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