Sunday, June 19, 2011

wake up, a little suzie, wake up

[one hundred, sixty-eight]

I don't have much to say right now, I have a lot of things on my mind and a lot of stress that I thought would disappear last week is unfortauntely here to stay. I want to just write, sit down and take another five hour writing blitz and start a new story I think, I finished my last story in ten hours, thirty pages, it seems like I should've been done more in hindsight, but that's all I got done and I happen to love it. I feel like that's one of the only stress busters I've had lately, other than going out and being with people.

This house is driving me crazy, my room feels just so heavy, is that terrible or what? It is a cloud full of rain, and every time I get into bed I let the rain fall and the stress is released, but every time I am in my room it feels just wrong, and I don't know why. In my house it feels as though it's a storm, the walls trap me in and the only way to get out is to literally get out. I don't like it.

Maybe this whole house thing reminds me of the fact that all of my thoughts race through my head like a storm, and I don't get my mind off of things.

I love how vague this is, unfortunately I don't care.

another post later since I really should catch up.

Jess :]

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