Sunday, June 26, 2011

later than late baby, I'm a diamond

[one hundred, seventy-six]

I've been writing for so long on this blog that I forget what defines a blog, and I realise that I don't write it a standard way, but I love my blog, and I'm a little behind today so I shall write another one later, but for now this is what you're gonna get.

I've been having some issues lately, wondering what everything is. I've talked to some people recently about a certain thing that happens to me, other than my night terrors but my interesting mind breaks. I have recently written a story-type thing that heavilly escapes me from my mind, it sort of breaks little pieces of how I've felt and how I think. I have aura issues, this was just an interesting scuffle into my mind, hooray!

What else what else, I love peanut butter. I haven't had it in a while, I feel like maybe I should change that. I like to have it on toast... And that's about it. Or cellery. Is that weird? People are weird. Who like, invented food? Who decided they were sick of separate vegetables, meats, grains, who decided to mix something like chicken and put grain and tomatoes together, to make some sort of pasta? Friggen Italians, what with your food and your beautiful country and all of that, seriously.

I don't have a lot else to say, oh, I get car sick, I wish things didn't feel like a wave pool in the car for me, it's been ever since my last surgery, it is rather unfortunate. This also happens while I drive to and from the city where my school is, so, that's just wonderful now isn't it?

Take care, don't forget that I like your face. What a crap blog today.

Jess :]

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