Saturday, February 19, 2011



Although I can't deny that this week has been fun, love letters seem so hard to write when there's hardly any love in the world anymore. People complain about not being loved, or giving too much love, or just complain because that's human nature. But there is a point in one's life where you gotta just accept it: you gotta choose who you love specifically, and for me, that's basically music and my musical influences. That's what I've been doing, writing to my loves and expressing that they continue to change my life with every listen, and will do so for the rest of my life.

If it makes any difference I only wrote to the ones that were individuals, or broadly recognisable indivudally. It's hard to recognise the lead singer or the best known participant in a band that you love every part of. Take The Who for example, I love every part of that band, every little note riff melody, and I don't think singling out anyone would do them any justice. I require equality in music, and the past love letters (even though I did single out john lennon, I could go on and write another three love letters for the latter of his band) were to show my appreciation and thakns to those artists who have influenced me and kept me alive.

So to all of my other musical influences I pledge that I will never let them down as well, I will do them their justice in due time. I promise that my music defines me more than a lot of things who I am and hwat I'm all about. I am a really personal person when it comes to my music, it's a life long journey that I am only nineteen years into, and I mean positively has been a full nineteen years.

My life of music has evolved from Sesame Street, Sharon Lois and Braham, to the Lion King soundtrack, to musicals like Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat and Phantom, to pop artists Spice Girls and Britney Spears, to the dance beats like Venga Boys and ABBA, to the more rock bands such as Queen and ACDC, and from there I have followed through in developing a deep intense love for the old classic music that I wasn't alive for, and appreciating it and giving it the honour that it deserves.

If you haven't seen it already, Almost Famous changed my life, and so did Pirate Radio. They are influential and desireab;e if you want any appreciation for good music. I think that in the light of good music, good interpretations are always welcome. Also, if no one likes my music, that's fine with me. I would rather be individual thing that it is a private matter with me, and you can insult it all you want it won't change to me.

So if you like music, I never want to hear you say "music is my life." that is a pet peeve of mine, I hate when people say that. I would never say that, because I play no instruments, I don't do it as a career, I can sing but I don't act on that. I think that if music is really your life, then you do it for a living you live it everyday. I'm a band aid, it's all happening. Let it happen for you, don't force yourself to love anything because everyone else does, youc an disagree with the top 40 you won't go to jail, you can develop this yourself.

I think from now until march will be poetry, because I feel poetic, this is spring break starting today so I've got plans like everyday so poetry seemed like it would be a good filler, plus I'm having surgery at the end of the week so I can really delve into it around friday. I have some homework to do sometime this week aswell, so hopefully that gets done.

Rock on,
Jess :]

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