Sunday, February 13, 2011

he is the walrus

[forty four]

Dear John,
Although I will never meet you, you continue to be my inspiration. You have always kept something going inside of me, let it be a perfect lyric or one of those musical resolutions that takes my breath away and helps me get through the day. You've really got a hold on me, John, everything about you makes me want to just run to New York City and sit in your apartment with Yoko, and look out on Central Park and remember how influential you are, and imagine what it would be like to listen to you actually speak. You have taken my thoughts and my dreams and put them on a staff, on those five lines, and all before I was even born. I want my own people-shooting-hat, so that I could people-shoot the hell out of him, an eye for an eye for you. I wish that in all of Apollo's loving powers he could bring back the sun that saw you, but I believe the world is different today. No one is giving peace a chance, no one is letting it be. No one is coming together, and no one will get back. Dear John, you are my everything, you are my soul and my life and my love, my true love. I may love more than just you, but you had me at Hello. If I could say one thing to you and you would hear it resound in your ears for eternity, it would be thank you. Two simple words, expressing my undying devotion, and the fact that although music makes the world go round, your voice makes me heart continue beating.

Love always,
Jessica Deeanne

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